#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.
Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.
Love the show? Want to join the conversation? Share your questions, comments, raves and tomatoes using #CrowdCloudLIVE
On April 6, show producer Geoff Haines-Stiles, host Waleed Abdalati, and guest panelists went LIVE in a roundtable #citsci chat. They accepted questions and comments from viewers like you. Watch our recorded Facebook live videos now!
Want to find a citizen science project that interests you? Join a project using our SciStarter portal and get involved!
“The ultimate definition of patriotism is service in your community” Read more from Lt Gen Honoré.
“Our hope with Public Lab: Develop tools to do the job people think the government does & that the government thinks the industry should do.” Read more from Scott.
Learn how to take aerial images, with Public Lab’s opensource guides.
210MM gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf. Who should be held responsible for oil spill cleanup? Let us know #CrowdCloudLIVE
Stay tuned for info about the BP spill that you’ve likely never heard before… and pass it on. Share this episode with your friends.
That’s Waleed and daughter Jada playing StallCatchers Want to join in?
Want to have fun and advance research? You can play StallCatchers by EyesOnALZ to help cure Alzheimers
With napkin math, we can see the great impact of #citsci on #Alzheimers research! Join the fun; play StallCatchers!
Meet Alzheimer’s researcher Nozomi on #CrowdCloudLIVE April 6 at 10pm EDT & again 10pm PDT
Concerned about the mice used for research? Join our LIVE roundtable April 6 at 10pm to talk with the researchers. #CrowdCloudLIVE
We have to find a cure. You can help speed up the process by participating
in citizen science projects like EyesOnALZ
Judy is passionate about finding a cure for #Alzheimer’s. She’s with us April 6 on #CrowdCloudLIVE. JOIN us on Facebook Live at 10PDT and again 10EDT
Couch potato? No! Armchair mapper, yes! Join OpenStreetMap and start mapping today.
Before & after images show the impact of OpenStreetMap contributions in La Providencia, Ecuador.
Some of the people helped by OpenStreetMap crowdsourcing! Technology and the power of the crowd can save lives.
Before & after images show the impact of OpenStreetMap contributions in Haiti and the Philippines.
Check out OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps!
YOU can be the difference, the person to help your neighbors. Join the CoCoRaHS #CitSci project
1,300 CoCoRahs volunteers contributed rainfall reports in Boulder! Wow!
Learn more about these diligent snow angels!
#HeWhoShovelsEarlyShovelsTwice - Let’s get this @CoCoRaHS wisdom trending!
More from Chad about how CoCoRaHS can literally save lives.
This #Hailstone is #crazy.
Find out how Skyler benefits from participating in CoCoRaHS
View the CoCoRaHS precipitation map and learn about weather in your neighborhood. Updated daily! http://bit.ly/1m7Vv3S
Learn more about Waleed here.
Share your questions and comments about the show using #CrowdCloudLIVE and remember to show your support for public television with #ILovePBS
Follow along with this feed during the episode for links to partnering organizations and interesting additional content (feed not available at full screen).