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With over 15 years of experience in community organizing and education, Shannon Dosemagen is the Executive Director of Public Lab in New Orleans. She holds a Master of Science in Anthropology and Nonprofit Management, and has worked with environment and public health groups across the country to address declining freshwater resources and coastal land loss. Part of this is building participatory monitoring programs with communities affected by neighboring industrial facilities, especially those impacted by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Shannon is a member of the US EPA National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology, on the Board of Directors of the Citizen Science Association, and is a co-organizer for the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH). She also serves on advisory boards, councils or working groups for the National Parks Conservation Association, the Louisiana Public Health Institute and the Louisiana Bar Association. She is an Ashoka Fellow, a 2015-16 Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society Fellow and a current Research Affiliate, a Senior Fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program and a 2012 Loyola University Institute for Environmental Communications Fellow.