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#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.

Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.

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Dale Kunce

Working for the American Red Cross, Dale Kunce leads an international GIS team responsible for preparing disaster responders in developing countries around the world. Dale is a Geospatial Engineer and Urban Planner, and has worked for over a decade in various capacities. This includes community organizing in the California Central Valley, as well as developing analytics for pandemic response in Uganda, and helping astronauts capture high-resolution imagery from the International Space Station. He is the founder of Missing Maps which uses OpenStreetMap in disaster situations like Typhoon Haiyan, the West Africa Ebola Outbreak, and the Nepal Earthquakes in 2015. Crowdsourcing citizen science projects like OpenStreetMap engage thousands of remote volunteers to contribute millions of edits to map vulnerable communities globally. Dale’s team works closely with humanitarian and private sector partners to create innovative mapping projects that save lives. He works with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), and frequently contributes to the maps himself. You can find his edits under the username dkunce!