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#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.

Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.

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In Episode 2, The Crowd & The Cloud follows citizens in Philly as they test their water for lead contamination. Scroll down to learn more about the people and projects featured in this segment.

Philly Unleaded

Provide third-party test of lead-in-water to any home in Philly.

Lead exposure can irreversibly harm childhood brain development as well as the development of fetuses and infants dependent on reconstituted formula. In summer 2016, tests were ests coordinated by the Philly Unleaded Project, a citizen-led coalition of Philadelphia residents concerned about the potential hazards of our drinking water. “We are an independent, not-for-profit, and impartial alliance seeking to find accurate answers about the quality of the water in our homes.” (Philly Unleaded is prominently featured in C&C program 2.)

Tony Spagnoli and Jonathan King, the co-founders, say “We launched the Philly Unleaded Project to obtain more precise information about lead levels in our tap water than currently required by law. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) mandates monitoring for lead in water at a small number of high-risk homes and ensuring that there is no severe and widespread contamination. A water utility’s compliance with the LCR, however, offers no guarantee that lead-in-water levels at individual homes are not high or even extremely high. Our goal is to offer residents at all homes (high-risk and not) the opportunity to test their tap water.

Analysis of our water samples will be conducted by Virginia Tech. A complete lead test will cost $65 per test kit (this is the at-cost value of the kit, which includes shipping and analysis). Each kit will include three sample bottles for testing a single tap. Financial assistance is available to households in need.”

Additional Resources


Citizen-based environmental advocacy organization. They research challenges confronting Pennsylvania’s environment and educate the public about what’s at stake.

Witnesses to Hunger

A research and advocacy project in Philadelphia partnering with mothers and caregivers of young children who have experienced hunger and poverty.

Lead & Copper Rule Summary

A plain English summary of the Lead and Copper Rule, for better understanding of homeowners’ rights and responsibilities.

Lead continues to poison Philadelphia children: what can be done?

Article from

Letters: Lead poisoning is inexcusable

Article from

Campaign for Lead Free Water

The Campaign for Lead Free Water is made up of individuals and organizations working to get the lead out of the nation's drinking water.

Flint Water Study

Updates from the Flint Water Study, uncovering lead contamination in Flint’s water sources.

Penn State Extension wa

A key resource for PA communities looking to test drinking water.

PA Department of Environmental Protection

A list of parameters to test for drinking water.

Monitoring Water Quality In Areas of Oil and Natural Gas Development:

A Guide For Water Well Users.
