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#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.

Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.

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The National Audubon Society
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Promote conservation and education of birds through citizen science projects.

Before The National Audubon Society was officially founded, The Massachusetts Audubon Society was established in 1896, making it one of the oldest citizen science organizations in North America. Initially, their mission was to protect waterbirds, which were being slaughtered in the millions for the millinery trade. Two years later in 1898, state-level Audubon Societies were established in 16 more states, including New York and California. In the year 1900, Audubon’s most lasting citizen science project was launched, The Christmas Bird Count, which continues to run annually to this day. It’s a census of early winter bird populations carried out by volunteers and their families. As an alternative to hunting and killing as many birds as possible, the goal is to spot and record as many birds as possible. In 1903, the state-level Audubon Societies joined forces to establish America’s first National Wildlife Refuge, Pelican Island in Florida, with wardens to protect waterbird breeding sites in several more states. In 1905, The National Audubon Society was officially founded to protect gulls, terns, egrets, herons and other waterbirds high on its conservation priority list.

Audubon chapters enable members and volunteers to meet and share a common appreciation for birds and habitat conservation. Through local community engagement, education, and advocacy, they create a culture of conservation. There are over 450 local Chapters, 23 state programs, and 41 centers. Volunteers advocate for the protection of birds and their associated habitat by supporting local, state, national and hemispheric conservation priorities. They offer educational programs and birding field trips, as well as identification classes to engage children and adults. The National Audubon Society aims to create bird-friendly communities through habitat restoration and citizen science projects such as The Christmas Bird Count and Backyard Bird Counts.

For information on climate change and how it impacts birds, Audubon has created a scientific report. Watch a short video outlining the report here:

Or, read the report at the glace:
