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#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.

Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.

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Prove citizen scientists can push biomedical research forward.

Scientific literature grows by 2 new articles every minute, which means scientists can’t possibly keep up with biomedical research that may lead to breakthroughs as fast as they’d like to. Mark2Cure is a citizen science project that allows anyone that can read English to help in the process of biomedical discovery. Your role is to precisely identify concepts and concept relationships in biomedical text, which anyone can learn to do! Once you complete certain tasks, advanced statistical algorithms take the data provided and use it to provide scientists with the information that they require. This way, they can spend more time finding cures, and less time reading!