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#CrowdCloudLIVE After each episode's WORLD premiere in April, show host, producer, and people seen on the show participated in post-premiere roundtable discussions. Viewers like you listened in, asked questions, and were able to dive deeper into the power of Citizen Science.

Watch the recorded Facebook Live events now. Discover more about how Citizen Science is revolutionizing the ways we gather, analyze, and utilize the data that fuels scientific research, discovery, and community action.

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Xerces Society
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Featured Project

Promote conservation of invertebrates through citizen science projects.

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that aims to protect wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their associated habitats. Their name is derived from the Xerces Blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche xerces), the first butterfly known to go extinct in North America as a result of human activities. Through science based conservation, the Xerces Society works with diverse partners including scientists, land managers, educators, policymakers, farmers and regular citizens. Their goal is to create long term conservation efforts through applied research, engaging in advocacy, providing educational resources, and addressing policy implications. Episode 4 of THE CROWD & THE CLOUD, explores the Western Monarch Count project, an initiative of the Xerces Society. They focus on habitat conservation and restoration, species conservation, protecting pollinators, contributing to watershed health, and reducing harm to invertebrates from pesticide use.

The Xerces Society has protected endangered species and their habitats for over 40 years. They have produced ground-breaking publications on insect conservation, trained thousands of farmers and land managers to protect and manage habitat, and raised awareness about the invertebrates of forests, prairies, deserts, and oceans. Current and featured citizen science projects include Bumble Bee Watch, Migratory Dragonfly Partnership, the Western Monarch Count, and Milkweed Survey. And there are many, many more!
